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Arranged marriage essay

Arranged marriage essay

An arranged marriage is when a marriage partner is decided many years before the actual marriage, but often the pair have met several times before and most girls are allowed to ‘pick. For such marriages to work, expert advice is needed for the partners to resolve misunderstandings and differences in an amicable manner. Arranged marriages are common in the Orient We will write a custom Essay on Arranged Marriage and Its Ethical Dilemma specifically for you for only . homework help forum The individual has little influence or no deciding power in the choice of a partner to marry. Both sides imagine the worse scenario or outcome but when they get to the marriage and meeting the arranged marriage essay other person things turn out better than what they. Parents often arrange marriages because doing so will fortify that their child stays attentive in their religious beliefs. This can often lead to relationships that lack intimacy and connection. Such as Child marriage, exchange marriage, diplomatic marriage and some more This essay has been submitted by a student. Arranged marriage refers to a marital union between a man and a woman, whereby families and relatives identify and select spouses for their children with or without their input or choice. Arranged marriages are a complicated subject, and the idea of it is usually perceived as an issue for human rights where one loses the right to freedom of choice In an arranged marriage, the bride and groom are selected by a third party rather than each other. Arranged marriages normally happen depending on a person’s culture, religion, and where they live in the world In a nutshell, arranged marriages have their merits as well as demerits and it is a decision of a lifetime. We are all familiar with the story: boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy and girl get married. There is also a lower divorce rate in arranged marriages Social Issues: Arranged Marriages Essay. First of all there is no trust in an arranged marriage. Such as Child marriage, exchange marriage, diplomatic marriage and some more An arranged marriage is an union between two prospective spouses chosen by the parents and sometimes between the extended family. Her uncle took arranged marriage essay charge of the household and gave her away for little money. The Padma, a 14-year-old girl was forced to marry an older alcoholic man when her father died suddenly. An arranged marriage is when a marriage partner is decided many years before the actual marriage, but often the pair have met several times before and most girls are allowed to ‘pick’ their partner. Arranged marriages are common in the Orient Marriage is a vital part of the social and economic life of a person’s life. Although some parents sometimes understand if their children do not favor their paired mate, they still might feel pressured to get married. I cannot deny that many arranged marriages are successful with positive outcomes. There is also a lower divorce rate in arranged marriages. The more traditional one is a marriage arranged by a third party, most commonly the parents. Arranged marriages are common in the Orient What is an Arranged marriage? When the parents pick someone they are drawing from experience typically 20 years of married life and they went through the same process no doubt. But the bride’s father has the most responsibility in arranging marriage for his daughter, and is the one who approaches the father of a potential bridegroom Parents often arrange marriages because doing so will fortify that their child stays attentive in their religious beliefs. There are many different types. So, the decision to choose a life partner should be left to the individuals Essays Related to Arranged Marriages. All the successful marriages arranged by parents largely depend on the personality of the individuals who are getting married. Arranged marriages are common in the Orient Arranged marriages involve bringing together people who know very little about each other. An arranged marriage refers to a marital union, in which an individual’s spouse is chosen by parents or relatives (Divakaruni 45). Arranged Marriages Essay example Decent Essays 858 Words 4 Pages Open Document Arranged Marriages We are all familiar with the story: boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, boy and girl get married. However, some communities do practice them to date Arranged marriages are in sense the exact opposite to love marriages and deprive people from having control of their lives and make decisions that affect them. Arranged marriages can also create a lot of pressure on the couple.. The first being a marriage based on love, and the second; a marriage arranged by a arranged marriage essay third party (usually the parents).

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In most cases of arranged marriages the two partners can have a say in it after several meetings with one another or even just once.. There is also a lower divorce rate in arranged marriages All the successful marriages arranged by parents largely depend on the personality of the individuals who are getting married. These marriages have long been a practice of numerous cultures, particularly before the 18th century. Arranged marriages also tend to be based on financial stability rather than love or compatibility. In a nutshell, arranged marriages have their merits as well as demerits and it is a decision of a lifetime. Her husband used to beat her every night and she has no way out but to stay in that abusive marriage Arranged Marriage vs. Social Issues: Arranged Marriages Essay. The reason why arranged marriages are encouraged among the Hindus is that there is utmost respect compared to marriages […] Gay Marriage and Parenting Despite these difficulties, same-sex partners deserve the right to get married and legitimize their relationships for the benefit of their children. There are different customs and traditions that are followed in different societal set-ups. There are many types of marriages. Although an arranged marriage differs from a marriage based on love in the after marriage life and husband-wife relationship, the principal differences lie in mate selection and social implications AGD Marriage is a controversial decision various people get caught up on. For the majority of the western world, this is our ideal image of a great beginning to a perfect marriage This is called arranged marriage, or a marriage planned and agreed to by photography a2 essay help the families or guardians of the bride and groom. Her husband used to beat her every night and she has no way out but to stay in that abusive marriage Happy marriages begin when we marry arranged marriage essay the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry” (Tom Mullen, 2005, p. Arranged marriages normally happen depending on a person’s culture, religion, and where they live in the world Social Issues: Arranged Marriages Essay. There are two different concepts of marriage in the modern world, one being very traditional. He is studying to work for a petroleum company. Children in Interracial Marriages. For the majority of the western world, this is our ideal image of a great beginning to a perfect marriage. Nevertheless, for years to come, it will remain something many people without a choice will Get Access. 3 reasons for this is that there is no trust, it could be forced, & you don't really know the person. This means that the intimacy and the chemistry between the couples will never grow. So, the decision to choose a life partner should be left to the individuals Social Issues: Arranged Marriages Essay. Arranged Marriage 1 Original Essay Marriage is commonly defined as the relationship between two people of opposite sex known as husband arranged marriage essay and wife, and it is a key to bring them happiness. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. In Indian society, arranged marriages are known to exist since ages. This essay has been submitted by a student. Get Access Related Good Essays.

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